Monday, November 19, 2012

Distribution v. Marketing

What’s the difference between distribution and marketing? Marketers take an idea and spread it far and wide. Distributors build a channel that they control and that is used to connect things to people.


Joe dons his distributor hat and builds a series of billboards up and down highway 280 from San Jose to San Francisco. He wants to sell a service, namely advertising on the billboards, so he switches his role from distributor to marketer and designs a message to sell his service. He uses his own billboards (distribution channel) to advertise his service by putting up an “advertise here, Call Joe @ 415.555.5555? ad (marketing). The companies that call Joe and eventually rent his billboards to promote their goods and services are all marketers.

It seems like a mundane distinction, but it’s an important one for the independents. The current technological revolution, mixed with ample competition, is forcing people to get out of specialization and take responsibility for their success in many avenues. Here are some examples in classic ‘Willis Quick List” fashion:

So in this day in age, let me tell you what’s become easier than ever: building a distribution channel. Your website is a distribution channel. Your blog, Facebook Group, Youtube Channel, Myspace Page, Email List, Tumbler page, and Twitter account are all small distribution channels. At it’s core, a distribution channel is an communications connection. Now, my point is, the little guy used to have to don a marketer hat and convince one of the bouncers guarding the distribution channel that he should be allowed in. We are now seeing great empowerment for the little guy to learn about these distribution channels and go create them. Would you rather own your distribution channel, a direct line to people you know care about you and what you have to say, or rent another person’s channel?

Get the whole thing here by clicking the link below by Tyler Willis in 2008...then tell me what you think?

 Seems to me there is a lot of sound up to date logic in this.. Now 2012...Hmmmmmmmmmmm....

                                                                    Michele Stoute

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